I close my eyes and think how it might be.
The futures here today.
It’s not too late.
It’s not too late, yeah!
I believe in miracles.
I believe in a better world for me and you.
Oh, I believe in miracles.
I believe in a better world for me and you.
Music resonates with many people, but it’s the words that the songs convey that brings light, understanding and joy to many people. The benefits to oneself go beyond just pleasure, it is therapeutic… it’s healing and it supports your present mood! The words of the famous Ramones song “I Believe in Miracles” couldn’t convey my current mindset any more accurately. The beat might not be to everyone’s liking but the words have power!
One of my gorgeous friends emailed me last night and I awoke to see her message this morning. It couldn’t have come at a better time and has left me feeling empowered! Catherine (I know she won’t mind me naming names!) had been at her regular yoga class and selected a random card from an Angel Card pack… not being one of the biggest believers of Angel Cards, she was struck… the words had meaning to her at that present time and she shared them with me…. “Believe in Miracles”. Three simple words to some, but when read at the right time hold so much meaning!
The power of words and the power of positive affirmations are much bigger than we actually realize!
So when I look at my current situation and feel helpless, down or overwhelmed; I will return to the words that have the most power to me!
Take the time to open your mind to the positivity of words and their meanings! Chant them in your head; write them down; make music with them; paste them in places as constant reminders! Do what makes you feel… AWESOME!
For me… marvellous miracles can happen every day and the interpretation of a miracle is how you choose to view them; but belief is the strongest word my friend Catherine could have shared with me. And it made me feel good!
Remember to write down the words that have meaning and power to you, and if you feel comfortable please feel free to share them!
With love, light and gratitude xx
Sending you lots of love and thinking of you Kath xx
Thanks beautiful xxx