The GIVEAWAY is getting closer!!! And I’m getting more excited!!! A few little hints, to wet your whistle on our special little giveaway!!!
You may need to dust off your dancing shoes, enjoy the sensation of tickling your nose with bubbles and there will be food… Lots of yummy food! And when there’s food involved… Weeeeelllll I’m not far away! Teeeeeeee!
Remember to think of the special people in your life, particularly someone who has travelled a rocky journey and who really deserves the precious opportunity to create happy and lasting memories, share and tag this post with these beautiful souls!!!! If you are someone who has been touched by cancer, are a patient, a loved one, a carer, or you are based in South-East Queensland…. this giveaway is for YOU!!!! I will be announcing the Giveaway TOMORROW! Keep an eye on www.thenakedgardiner.com and the TNG social media!!!
I can’t wait to share this giveaway with you, I just wish I had more to give!
With love, light and gratitude xx