Looking back to February 2014 and being told that cancer had progressed to my internal organs, I remember it as a time that involved so much heartache and uncertainty but at the same time through the support of my nearest and dearest and of course the introduction of my self-proclaimed healing pup Winston; I found the ability to laugh and smile. It was through these beautiful souls and their determination to lift me up even when everything in my being silently just wanted to hide and run away from the world, that I was able to find the energy to carry on and live with their support!
When my friends and I founded The Naked Gardiner Foundation, our sights were always to support the patient, particularly young metastatic melanoma patients who similarly found themselves in the position that I am in today. While many young people are progressing their careers, travelling the world, getting married, planning their families, and buying their first homes… living as they should, fun and carefree; I came to realize that there were other people out there who like me had been living with cancer through much of their adulthood. Through these adversities I came to realize that life really takes on a whole different meaning and yes it does unfortunately include way too many visits to the hospital, and the introduction of a dictionary of medical terminology to your every day conversations, but it also means that there is a beautiful life that is still waiting for you to live.
There were times I confess, and still today, that I battle with being surrounded by the scenes where I once use to thrive in. After all I was a bit of a social butterfly, the organizer of the pack and whose diary was booked out for months in advance, with social event after social event. The awkward conversations where I found I would have to explain why I am wearing an armband, or why I don’t feel like drinking or the reasons why I no longer work in a full-time position, and yes confirming that I still have my hair, just weren’t the conversations that I felt like having all the time. Now I am far more resilient than I was back then and I find that I really don’t mind having those conversations anymore because I realize that people DO want to understand what it is that I am going through and the challenges that I face. Not everyone knows how to deal with the information they are given in return but what I found is that they shouldn’t fear asking the questions either and neither should they fear asking if I [or you] want to go along to an event!
That’s why I think this GIVEAWAY would be great for you! If you are someone who has experienced cancer in your life, or have been touched by cancer in some way whether you are a patient, a loved one, a carer or a nurse and have travelled a rocky road in this time, then you will understand all the emotions and the feelings that are often developed from this experience.
You want to create new memories! Be surrounded by love and friendship, without judgment! Laugh like you’ve never laughed before! And most certainly you want to dance baby!!!!
For three (3) lucky gorgeous people AND your favourite plus one, The Naked Gardiner Foundation and I will be gifting you both tickets to attend the Melanoma Patients Australia Gala Dinner to be held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre on the evening of Friday, 16 October 2015. The evening will include live entertainment, charity auctions, raffles, dinner, bubbles and dancing, All the funds raised will go to help Melanoma Patients Australia achieve its vision of reducing the impact of melanoma in all Australians.
The lucky winners will be seated with yours truly and her incredible bearded hubba, Anthony, along with hands down one of the most inspirational and generous souls in my life, the darling Jane McDonald and her not-so-bad hubby Jeffery [insert giggle]. Jane is the Chair of The Naked Gardiner Foundation, formerly my boss when I was her ever-so-diligent Executive Assistant and one of my closest friends in the world. She is an incredible lady!!! Our amazing co-director Andrew Burge will be unable to attend the evening with us sadly on this occasion.
The evening will be one filled with support, love, friendship, understanding and undoubtedly lots of fun! I will also have some more surprises install for you on the evening!
This prize is not exclusive to those who have experienced melanoma in their lives but to all the beautiful souls out there that have travelled a rocky journey with cancer touching their lives. I know first hand how important it is to create beautiful new, happy memories and I would love to be a part of that journey with you in a supportive, caring and nurturing environment.
Melanoma Patients Australia is such an amazing organization and I am blessed with having them in my life and to have the opportunity to work closely with them during my journey! Their support has been immeasurable.
Simply share, tag this post with the beautiful souls in your life and to ENTER by emailing me at thenakedgardiner@gmail.com to nominate yourself, or a loved one or a friend that you believe deserves the opportunity to create a night of new memories, along with the relevant contact details! The prize will ideally be for winners located in South-East Queensland (e.g. near or surrounding Brisbane). If further afar and happy to pay own travel costs, please enter! Please feel free to share this post with your circle of friends; you could be potentially making someone’s day.
I am a bit old school, so I will draw the three (3) lucky winners names from a hat! No fancy technology required here and I will announce the winners online through social media and the website on the evening of Wednesday, 7 October 2015.
I can’t wait to share this evening with the lucky winners and be there to share this special journey with you!
For anyone who would love to attend the MPA Gala Dinner, details are below. Tickets are $180 pp or $1700 for a table of 10, please book tickets here.
With love, light and creating new memories xx