“I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school. I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy.” – Girl from another school, Mean Girls (The Movie)
They stood in the line ahead of me and appeared just like any other person excited to participate in the event but their body language spoke differently. Closed… locked… rigid… then the passive aggressive demon raised it’s ugly head to the void of silent listeners; speaking as if to no one but, yet to everyone. Disgust, repulsed; energy blackened by the misery that was conjured from negativity. Words were finally uttered to reflect the responses the body so accurately conveyed, they were directed at me but spoken indirectly; the worst kind of communication. Distaste and aggravation (sigh…) so much anger. All because this ‘mean girl’ didn’t like the smell of the fragrance I wore.
As I stood in this line up, super excited to get my book signed by the gorgeous inspiring man with eyes as blue as the ocean, my energy was beginning to wane. To my left, stood two girlfriends with obvious distaste for the beautiful essential oil I had sprayed on myself only minutes before lining up. I had only just exited a room full of a thousand bodies of who had been generating their own aromas and so a bit of freshness was in order. But as I stood in this present lineup the comments I had to endure was just beyond that of being politely opinionated. They were just downright… mean.
I brought my mind back into a positive state very quickly due to the excitement that lay ahead of me rather than voice a retort that my old self would have easily had no qualms in conveying but I held my tongue and remained silent. What would I achieve by lowering my energy to their level. A day after it still has me thinking. Why does the ‘mean girl’ have so much power? Why… because we allow it, and this afternoon I realized that I gave the ‘mean girl’ the power to allow me to feel unaccepted and I allowed doubt to enter my soul.
The ‘mean girl’ unfortunately lies in all of us, it’s a sad fact but it is true. It is there in all of us; managed as our state of mind sees fit. And boys, you don’t get off lightly, there is a ‘mean girl’ lurking in the depths too. We can choose to switch it on, or switch it off just like a light.
My initial reaction was to turn around and say how grateful I am for each day that I have the opportunity to wear perfume. Would they say the same thing if I looked ill like my diagnosis brands me, or is it because I look fine on the outside; fit enough to be a target? Whatever the case, a ‘mean girl’ attitude benefits no one and particularly not the one who is issuing the abuse, whatever the level of attack.
When someone else believes they have the power to rob you of your spirit, your joy and your positivity – stop, recalibrate and let the storm cloud rumble over. Remember you are stronger and better than they are. Kindness and love wins in the end and the people who succeed in life are those that show compassion, support and genuine respect. It is a far better feeling in life to be kind. Life gets messy sometimes, and we sometimes need to realize that we can’t always fix it but we can definitely do our part to make this world a better and happier place while we have the blessing to be a part of it.
With love, light, rainbows and essential oils xx
And my initial reaction is who were they and let me show them bout being mean girls, how dare they treat you, beautiful Kathy, this way. But although I am still feel anger that you had to endure this type of bs my sweet, you are so right to rise above and remember that they have to live with being mean girls everyday, but there is so much more to life. When all you allow in your everyday is moments of pleasure and sunshine, life begins to feel sparkly and bright, even rain brings pleasures and comfort, because negativity just does not live here! So proud of you chicken, you’re strength and absolutely glowing inner soul can face anything, you’ll see! These mere silly girls are a speck in the sand compared to all that you have conquered thus far! You have fighting power, my love. They may try to knock you down, but you will always get up to face the next fight xo
Thanks lovely! There definitely is so much more to life and if we allowed all the negative people in the world to bring us down then it would be a very sad and lonely place! That is just not appealing to me! 😀 xx