On Sunday, 22 March 2015 my family and my close friends all walked with passion and purpose; we walked for melanoma… and we MARCHED FOR A CURE at the Brisbane Melanoma March!
Melanoma is serious. It kills AND presently there is no cure.
BUT there is hope. There is a lot of hope!
Melanoma is Australia’s national cancer. It is the leading cancer amongst young people and the easiest cancer to detect early but it also one of the hardest cancers to cure. Melanoma is a complex disease and an aggressive disease at that.
So here is a very brief video as I share my story with Melanoma. As requested, this is for your dear Ali!
Thank you to all the generous donors that supported our beautiful Team Naked Gardiners’. Your words, your kindness and your support have been so overwhelming. To date we have raised just under $6,000! A massive effort achieved by all involved. Every dollar raised goes towards the Melanoma Institute Australia to assist vital research in to this disease.
Thank you sincerely and whole-heartedly for sharing your support for not only my family and myself but also with all melanoma patients in Australia who too are fighting for a cure! We are grateful!
Thank you to Katie, Penny and Mel for designing and organizing our kick-arse naked shirts! We may not have been 50 shades of grey but we definitely rocked the four shades that we had!
Photos of the day have been uploaded to The Naked Gardiner Facebook page.
So dear Nakeds, I look forward to walking with you again next year… And I will! AND our darling boy Winston looks forward to terrorizing all his furry friends again and taking out the coveted ‘Most Sun Smart Pet’ award!
With love, light and gratitude xx
Hi there, I just stumbled across your blog while looking through all the #blessedbyjess posts on Instagram. I wanted to take a moment to let you know how beautiful your site is, but more importantly how beautiful you are for facing your diagnosis with grace.
Keep up the amazing work – will be checking back often.
Thanks so much for your kind words Robin! You have made my day! xx