2013, blah… I hear you say! For me “blah” is a very good non-descriptive word to describe my last year. However, in those moments of “blah-ness” I pinch myself (sometimes the pinching needs to hurt a little and sometimes A LOT) and remind my little mind of just how far I have come in a year that has been unsettling to say the least.
I have waded through a lot of muddy griminess this year, like many of you; but it is with acceptance and acknowledgement of this fact that allows me to move forward. It is the moving forward part that can be the hardest and I know that I am not alone in my struggles to jump on this path. So I hear you when you ask, “Where is this path and may I have an express ticket to the rainbow at the end”?
My dear Nakeds, there have been rainbows and pots of gold and happiness hidden in the corners of your mind all year, but it is how you view these moments when everything else seems so overwhelming… or downright crap! The key is… gratitude. Little moments of acknowledging simple acts of kindness within your life; kindness to you and kindness from others. Relishing in moments of bliss, be it big or small and soak in it. Soaking in those moments until you get all pruney, and keeping things simple. For me writing down my daily gratitude’s is a big bonus and getting all warm and fuzzy… because who doesn’t like to feel all warm and fuzzy!
As busy people, we like to overcomplicate our lives, we invest too much time in worrying and over thinking (I know I have for much of my life) and sometimes we like things handed to us on a platter… “Would you like happiness with that”? “Yes, I don’t mind if I do”. Life isn’t really that easy and we do need to work hard but we also need to remember to be kind and gentle to ourselves and here it is… the biggest lesson I have learnt this year: Be kind to yourself and be gentle. By allowing yourself this, you open your heart to being kind and gentle to others and you open your mind to acknowledging when you have been.
For me, looking back on my year there have been many great moments of happiness and many things that I am proud of, in others and most importantly in myself. So when someone asks you how your year was, don’t just focus on the negative; look to the moments that gave you sheer joy, where you acknowledged being grateful and be proud of the things that you have accomplished, because I am sure when you take the time to reflect the list will be much bigger than you thought!
With love, light and gratitude
Kathy x
Aw love this Miss K! Well said, and have a great new year! ❤️❤️
Thanks beautiful! Looking forward the year ahead! You too! xxx