Imagine a world full of people filled with purpose and energy because they no longer live in the dark despair of self-hatred. Imagine this was you.
How relieved would you be to feel comfortable in your body? How happy would you be to look in the mirror and smile at your reflection? And how inspired would you be to go and live your life of awesome authenticity?
Pretty powerful huh! These are the introductory words created by the beautiful Tahlee Rouillon from The Attitude Revolution; a witty, giant hearted, fun-loving soul sister that is doing me the greatest of honours by being my special guest speaker at The Naked Gardiner Foundation fundraising event on 11 April 2014.
I first met Tahlee a number of years ago when we worked together in Brisbane. Tahlee always had this air of grace and mystery about her! She fluttered like a little butterfly through the corridors of our office, bestowing all those lucky enough to be in her presence with a welcoming heart and an infectious laugh that instantly made you feel comfortable to be around her. Tahlee was never destined for office work, there was always another calling for her and when I found out that she had embarked on a wellness-coaching path, I was certain she would be nothing more than a success… and she is!
Tahlee’s humor and personality flow in her message: “to shoot down body hate with my love lasers (pew pew pew!) so you can do a 180 towards loving who you are and the body you’re in”. She provides her growing followers with the tools and the knowledge to achieve their health goals with ease and consistency through mood clarity, self-love and shooting down body negativity (pew pew pew) with an Attitude Revolution!
As an added bonus Tahlee also holds a Bachelor of Music and with this knowledge and creative outlet Meditones was born! Meditones are precisely tuned frequencies of sound, that when heard with headphones, guide our brains into effortless relaxation and deep meditation. There’s a packaging warning that comes with Meditones… hang on to your seats Nakeds because I personally can vouch that once you put those headphones on… instant calm follows. Now that’s POWERFUL! And in my current circumstances you know that has to be a pretty solid statement! If you don’t have a chance to make it to the event on 11 April 2014 and get the opportunity to listen to this beautiful soul speak, then please head across to her inspiring website The Attitude Revolution and join the self-love, body nurturing, mood transformation…. Revolution!
With love, light and as Tahlee says… lots of love lasers (pew pew pew!) xx
Nawww, aren’t you gorgeous?! Thank you darling. Can’t wait to see you again. Love you (pew pew pew) 🙂
Only a pleasure beautiful! xxx