Today; mine is a Thankful Thursday WEEK! hehehe! Because the celebrations keep rolling!
Today I am thankful for… Firsts! We celebrated our lil fur baby Winston’s first birthday on Tuesday and on the weekend he celebrated with his gorgeous and equally hilarious litter! There have been sooooo many cute moments and I have been one uber proud fur-mama! Not only is this an amazing milestone that my baby is moving out of puppy-hood but it’s also a celebration of all the firsts that Ant and I have been able to share as a fur-family! The first nights, the first cuddle, the first day of puppy school, the first outing to a dog park, the first family holiday, the first day at the beach, the first swim, the first bone, the first chewed up bed, the first holiday alone and the list goes on and continues! I guess for me the firsts are always going to be some of my most happy memories because it is the stepping stone to change, the welcoming of the new and the celebration of milestones big or small! Winston is the best change that could have entered our lives and for us the joys have been in the shared moments and the abundant love that our healing pup brings to our lives! Winston has brought the change in our lives that has enabled us to confront the challenges of my health and the obstacles we face as a couple! For me making it to Winston’s first birthday and being in better health than what my diagnosis states is a milestone of another kind!
So Nakeds celebrate the firsts; love them in whatever capacity they come into your lives, because the firsts bring a new element… it’s how you choose to accept them that dictates the path of change!
What are you thankful for gorgeous souls?
to celebrate for you and Winston
Thanks lovely xx