I am thankful for… Remembering. I woke this morning with the first thought of knowing what today was. And as I sat in yoga breathing through my mantras beautiful memories floated quickly through my mind. A smile always turns my lips! Friends for what felt only the briefest whisker of time but whose impact will always leave a massive hold on my heart. You taught me to live with passion! Without fear! That material items were just that. That things fall into alignment when you allow them to. And you taught me to let go. I am thankful that on your last day in the physical world I told you that I was proud of you and that you were happy.
It’s days like today that I am thankful I can remember and know that I’ve been blessed by so many beautiful friendships that have surrounded me in my life, and through these teachings life continues to grow, succeed and flourish. Remember the souls that have made an impact or continue to make an impact on your life! It’s through their lessons that we have the power to become a better version of who we want to be!
What are you thankful for?
Photo by Josefa Holland-Merten
I am thankful….for you! You are truly an inspiration.
Nawww thank you beautiful!