I am thankful for… Removalists. It’s a late post, my feet are sore and there are parts that hurt that I didn’t even know existed…(haha). Why would anyone try and move all by themselves is what I wonder as I take a moment to cuddle my confused little terror monster in a rare moment of rest. How did we accumulate so much stuff? I’m sure everyone asks themselves this question at some point!
I’m pretty sure that Ant now has the power to tell me that I don’t need to buy anymore clothes EVER again… Ever sounds like a long time, but ever could be next week don’t you think… Hmmm!!! Looking at the unpacked boxes and bags filled with material enticement and wondering where I’m going to put them all, (don’t tell him) but I sort of think he might be right. Sigh! He doesn’t need a tribe to back him up, we can just keep this confession to ourselves. A girl needs to look good right??? Thank god the removalists left before they could gang up on me and support Ant! Or maybe they are just polite and keeping their opinions to themselves! Smart boys!!! Thanks to the Team, your help was very much needed.
What are you thankful for today dear Nakeds?
(Thanks for your patience while we get our internet sorted!!!)