Today I am thankful for… a novel!
I was joking the other day with one of my girlfriends how it has seriously taken me forever to read a novel. She said “what a month?” and I was like make it like 4 or 5! Hahahaha! What really astounds me is that this is the first novel I have read in two years! A very strange concept for me considering I’m one of the biggest book worms there is! But to be honest fiction just hasn’t been calling me! My focus has been on medical writings, research, wellness topics and inner healing. There has been no time for fiction! And in all honesty I found when I tried reading these books my concentration trailed off and I would lose interest because understandably my mind works at a million miles an hour these days. These last few weeks I’ve given myself the time and I’ve thrown myself into reading this damn novel! Haha! And to be honest it’s been tough, but I’m a finisher and I persevere until I get to the end!
A couple of interesting little facts about me is that I started a book club with my girlfriends years ago. It was rad and we loved our little gatherings and chats on our books! It ended when I got sick. Secretly, well not so secretly to my friends, I’ve always wanted to be a writer and to own my own book store! And even in this world of modern technology I still feel that a paper book is something of sheer beauty! So this last week I’ve really found my love for reading fiction again and throwing myself into a world that only the imagination has control of! Cancer takes much from our lives but it should never take away our enjoyments! So hurrah to a quiet mind and an adventure into illusion! Thank you dear novel!
What are YOU thankful for today beautiful Naked?
With love, light and gratitude xx
Original Photo by Clementine Daily