Thankful Thursdays are BACK for 2016!!!!
Today I am thankful for… Surprises!
This time last week I was on the hush… I was too scared to go on social media because I didn’t want to give away an impending trip and a possible (or accidental) social media location check-in! Suffice to say guys that I was in on a very BIG surprise for one of our dearest friends! A bunch of us flew up to Airlie Beach in the Whitsundays and surprised our beautiful friend for her 30th birthday. It was a hit and she had no idea!!! Hurrah!! Success!! There were tears, laughter and good times had by all! It was a happy way to bring in the new year by celebrating the love of friendship and to make the day a special one for our dear friend. She goes out of her way to do so many beautiful things for all her friends and she is hands down one of the kindest people I know! Always smiling, always laughing and constantly shining her light on the world. Surprises of this nature are just awesome!!! And to be involved in making someone else super happy while making their day just fills you with happiness, don’t you agree!?!
My friends are my world and I’m so blessed to have the greatest friends who truly make my life a fulfilled one! So hurrah to surprises! They can truly make someone’s day!
Now it’s your turn Nakeds, what are you thankful for?
With love, light and bundles of gratitude xx
Surprises are great!
Are they Anthony? Let’s see on Sunday hey! Teee xx