Today… it is here!!!!!
I’m really happy for this Thankful Thursday because today I am thankful for… Celebrations RATHER than Commiserations!
On this day last year, this red-headed little cherub graced us with his presence, and I greatly blessed, was there to experience it all. Silently in the background another anniversary was being replaced by the emotions of joy and happiness! Today, two years ago (which I can hardly believe) I was told that my cancer prognosis had advanced to terminal. On a cancer journey you have many anniversaries but this one was the clincher and it’s the only one I remember so accurately in my ten year battle with this beast. Now those feelings of commiserations are now replaced by something very different the emotion of extreme gratitude. I often think that Jackson chose this day of all days to come in to the world because he was always meant to share a special bond with his Aunty Kath-Kath (obviously it was also to become the apple of his parents eyes but this post is about Jacko and I… Bahhhhaaaa!)! With only three days separating our day of birth, I know this little Aquarian will grow into an independent, creative and lovable soul, and I’m grateful that my day of sorrow is now replaced with bubba giggles, smiles and laughter! What a magical year of ‘firsts’ it has been! And what a celebration our Jackson has brought to all our lives, particularly this little Naked!
What are you thankful for today my darling Nakeds?
With love, light and bundles of gratitude xx