This Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for… patrols!
Every day our little boy is the ultimate ‘patroller’! He perches himself up on his little observation deck and he watches the world go by! The slightest flicker that catches his eye and he’s up… alert, and ready for the chase (and bark) along the fence line. He has now carved a nice little path that he tears through in his mad-dash chase after the unknown.
In the afternoons, like today, when I’ve been out we play some ball, and when he’s had enough he takes up his patrol positioning. At first it had me frustrated; why was he so hell-bent on checking out every flicker of movement, I kept thinking!!! It had me in fits at times. Now I understand that it’s his natural animal instinct to protect his territory, and more specifically… me! When he pops his head out from under the plants, he looks at me, his tongue lolling; the picture of pride, and he dashes back to take up his positioning once again, just like this right next to me where I am seated on the grass. In this moment, I smile. My lil patroller, my lil protector!
What are you thankful for today dear Naked?
With love, light and bundles of gratitude xx