Today I am thankful for… long distance chats!
This afternoon (errrr evening) I had the opportunity to chat with one of my dearest girlfriends through the luxury of modern technology! Thank you Skype!
It’s moments like these that I am grateful for the beautiful friendships I have made in my life and that although some countries may seem like a million miles away, communication doesn’t have to be! We are so spoilt in this era that by the mere click of a button we are connected to the far reaches of this glorious globe! I think it’s pretty damn clever!
Who haven’t you spoken to in a while?
Do they live abroad?
How about giving them a holler!
Sometimes all we really need is just a good old chat no matter what avenue that takes. Human connection, in a modern age!
Enjoy the communication Nakeds and feel free to share below what you are thankful for on this beautiful Thankful Thursday!
With love, light and bundles of gratitude xx