Today for Thankful Thursdays, I am thankful for… hot water!!!
A couple of nights ago our gas hot water system decided it was time to cross over to retirement and join the other systems in their rusty heaven! Right in the middle of our coldest period here in Queensland, and yes I am aware that to some it still seems warm…! But entertain me for a moment!
Although I am grateful for our hot water system’s service to date, I went into ‘life or death situation’ proclaiming to my husband that “we need hot water and we need it NOW”!
It’s crazy, I think now on reflection, how something that is quite the luxury becomes such a required necessity to get through what we deem our daily tasks in life! But I guess we are conditioned that way because having hot water in-demand is just a normal part of life here in our neck of the woods. We are truly lucky!
As I enjoy the warmth of our new ’emergency’ purchase and I’m no longer having to boil water on the stove and stare at a pile of dishes that need washing, I am truly grateful that we are in a position where clean hot water is made assessable and that it can be installed relatively quickly, without too many deathly screeches from the bathroom due to icy daggers stabbing unprotected skin.
The serenity has returned to the household and all is well again in my world!
What are you thankful for today darling Naked? Share your gratitude below.
With love, light and bundles of gratitude xx
Original photo credit Unsplash