Today for Thankful Thursdays, I am thankful for… these goddesses!
There is just something so powerful when females come together, especially when they are like-minded, beautiful and generous souls who thrive on empowering others to reach their true potential. Its that gorgeous feminine energy, that is really hard to describe but when you experience it first hand than you know exactly what I mean; it’s selfless and god damn it is POWERFUL!
So today I got to hang and chat all things biz with these inspiring beauties!
One thing I truly miss from working in a corporate environment is discussion, and I don’t mean pointless meeting-after-meeting discussion, where you go around in loops not solving a problem and wondering why you got invited to the meeting in the first place (yes I tell it how it is!). I mean real, true, connected discussion. Lessons learnt, big picture strategy, action, plans, accountability… did I mention action?!?! hahaha!
I know it sounds weird because I talk with people everyday; we all talk with people everyday, but it’s that ‘included’ discussion where one can nut away ideas and concepts and where you can learn from each others knowledge shares in order to reach a bigger-picture plan.
What I love more than anything is the non-judgemental support that these discussions blossom in to, and that truly gets me excited!
I am thankful for these goddesses and those who couldn’t join us today and I can’t wait to share, support and be present for the gorgeous evolution of their amazing businesses! They are going to rock this world with their positive energetic light and I can’t wait to be right there to support them and see them shine!!!
What are you thankful for today dear Nakeds? Are there goddesses in your life that you want to celebrate! Give them a shout out of love!
With love, light and bundles of gratitude xx