I’ve been a bit quiet of late over here on The Naked Gardiner but that is because I have been working on an exciting creative project for one of my gorgeous friends! And I am LOVING IT!!!
It has me finding myself in a new space that I am completely unfamiliar with, where I am learning every day… not only about myself, but about our beautiful environment, and Mother Earth… and I am getting the chance to explore different creative expressions. I’m finding out what techniques I like, what work, what don’t… what I need to pay more focus on!
Do I have any idea of what I am really doing? No!
Am I excited by this? YES!
Is it lighting me up? Most definitely! Creative expression truly is where my heart lies!
Am I scared of failure? Sure… aren’t we all, but what do I have to lose… nothing! Failure is only the definition we place on our fears if we choose to give it weight, once we remove those we open ourselves up to a multitude of possibilities!
I am so thankful that my gorgeous friend has taken a chance on me! What a true honour!
I can’t wait to reveal more and grow my confidence in this space where my joy resides. Will you join me?
With love, light and bundles of gratitude xx
Sounds exciting Kathy, can’t wait to hear more about your creative journey:-)
Thanks Sandra, at the moment I am illustrating a book for a friend! It’s pretty exciting! Challenging and fun all at the same time! 😀 xx